Many years ago there was a big craze of cooking chicken in all kinds of sweet liquids.  Here’s an interesting one using cola, from  Cookbook of the weeks author, Nina Timm’s  (see her website,  A very simple recipe, with only three ingredients.

Coke Chicken0002

8 pieces of chicken – thighs and drumsticks
2 tins of cola
1/2 cup soy sauce

  1. Place the chicken pieces in a heavy based pot. Pour the cola and soy over the top, cover with a lid and cook for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Remove the lid and lower the heat. Cook the chicken slowly, turning the pieces every now and then.  The sauce will reduce down to a stick consistency. Serve with Mashed potatoes and some greens.
  3. The soy provides enough salt to this dish.


For more recipes from Nina Timm see her website,