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Wickedfood Cooking School, SUNNINGHILL

Information & bookings (011) 234-3252

Hi all

In this weeks newsletter we look at Southern Africa’s leading biodegradable food packaging supplier. They offer a comprehensive range of products from plates, cups, bowls, knives, forks to bags, coffee stirrers, serviettes and toilet paper etc. All their products are made from natural and renewable resources and are 100% biodegradable and compostable. We include Albumen, or egg white, in the tip of the week.

Find us on Facebook and Twitter – just search for Wickedfood and you will find us. We update the blog on a daily basis and publish it through Facebook and Twitter.

Wickedfood Cooking School News

Our  individual cooking class programmes are up on the internet. Click the link for the appropriate month – April or May

Week 2 – 09 to 15 May

Sunday 15 May at 4pm – Easy Greek dishes for entertaining (R370pp for the class). The Greek cooking class that’s simply and easy. Dishes include fried halloumi, bean soup, moussaka, spanokopita and honey tart.

Week 3 – 16 to 22 May

Monday 16 May at 6pm Making filled pasta and accompanying sauces (R370pp). We will show you how to make your own pasta from scratch in this Pasta cooking class and then how to fill them with meat and vegetable fillings. Fillings include cheese and ham, spinach and ricotta, sweet potato and a variety of sauces.

Sunday 22 May at 4pm – Hearty winter Entertaining (R360pp). No fuss dinner party for six. This cooking class is perfect for winter entertaining. Dishes include Mushroom soup, Caesar’s salad, Braised chicken, Mini vegetable filo pies and Chocolate pudding.

Week 4 – 23 to 29 May

Monday 23 May at 6pm Jamie’s America – … on Cajun food (R390pp). Jamie Oliver’s latest book is based on his recent travels through the USA. We reinterpret some of the dishes, and put them together into a themed menu including Hush puppies, Blackened fish steaks, jambalaya, Spicy meat gumbo, Dirty Cajun rice and Bread pudding.

“Contact Us” href=”../../contact-us-2/” target=”_blank”>contact us should you wish to make a booking: